
目前顯示的是 7月, 2016的文章


在TED-ED上面看到的內容,覺得挺適合我學生們的年齡,頗適合教這個年紀的老師們看看,雖然不知道其他老師是否會跟我一樣,明明不是教健教,卻常常會碰到這類問題,但......老師們畢竟脫離青春期有點久了,就複習一下這年紀的傢伙們都在想什麼吧! 雖然內容有點長 (好奇怪,剛睡醒的時候用手機看好像沒那麼長,怎麼開電腦看變好多字!) ,但真的就是青少年會問的問題沒錯! 原文出處: What Teens Really Want to Know About Sex http://blog.ed.ted.com/2016/03/14/what-teens-really-want-to-know-about-sex/ What teens really want to know about sex 關於性,青少年想知道的事情 On the first day of the high school Sexuality and Society class that I teach, I don’t pass around anatomy drawings or hand out pamphlets about safer sex — although those are stacked on a table near the door. Instead, the first thing I do is establish ground rules in the classroom: People should speak for themselves, laughter is OK, we won’t ask “personal history” questions, and we’ll work to create a community of peers who care about and respect one another. Then, I introduce the Question Box — a safe place where students can drop any question they have about human sexuality. The Question Box (an old shoebox with a hole